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Stopped Playing Startup And Built A Real Business

My startup got its real shot at success the moment I stopped playing the fake unicorn game. Here’s how we did it:

1. Real problem > Big problem

  • Stopped caring about the size of the problem we were solving.
  • Focused on a real pain a customer was willing to pay to solve.

2. Simple solution > Unique solution

  • Cured the shiny object syndrome.
  • Built a solution that was easy to understand and adopt.

3. Niche > Large TAM

  • Ignored the push to chase huge markets.
  • Decided to dominate a specific niche instead.

4. Word-of-mouth > Acquisition tactics

  • Ditched complex acquisition channels.
  • Relied on our satisfied customers to bring in their peers.

5. Healthy competition > Blue oceans

  • Found the top right quadrant to be isolating.
  • Used the competition as a yardstick for validation.

6. Positive cashflow > Hockey sticks

  • Stopped fantasizing about exponential growth curves.
  • Became obsessed with ensuring our survival.

7. Chip on the shoulder > Team pedigree

  • Moved past hiring for brand-name resumes.
  • Valued grit and determination above all.

8. Infinite runway > Made-up valuations

  • Let go of the fixation on fictional numbers.
  • Focused on not having to worry about running out of cash ever again.

Looking back, I realize how much time I wasted playing startup instead of running a business.

I wish I had woken up sooner.

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