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7 Misconceptions About Bootstrapping A Startup

7 things I got wrong about bootstrapping.

  1. It's not attractive

    • Yesterday, the spotlight was on how large your funding round was.
    • Without that, bootstrapped businesses weren't as interesting.
    • Today, surviving and thriving on your own is the new sexy.
  2. It's easy

    • Far from it.
    • Bootstrapping requires every ounce of grit you have.
    • Without it, you're setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.
  3. It doesn't need planning

    • Running lean doesn't mean running blind.
    • Strategic planning and clear roadmaps are your lifelines.
    • You want to make sure not to sink your time and resources into a bottomless pit.
  4. It doesn't need investment

    • I used to confuse investment with VCs, but there are many alternatives.
    • Any venture requires financial backing, be it personal or external.
    • Progress without investment is a fantasy.
  5. It can't scale

    • Starting slow doesn't mean staying small.
    • Bootstrapped businesses have the potential to scale immensely.
    • Remember, some of the most successful companies today were bootstrapped.
  6. It's low risk

    • For external investors, maybe.
    • For founders? It's a high-stakes game.
    • Every decision and every risk, rests on your shoulders.
  7. It can't compete

    • You might not grab headlines like VC-backed startups.
    • Your resilience and patience are your weapons.
    • Just be patient.

In the end, there's no one way to fund a venture.

While certain types of businesses demand significant initial capital, barriers to bootstrapping others are increasingly diminishing.

For me, bootstrapping has been a rollercoaster of immense challenges and rewards. It has shaped my perspective on entrepreneurship in ways I never imagined.

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