Enjoying The Entrepreneurship Journey
You should enjoy the journey, they say.
Honestly, I couldn't stand it early on.
Those who say it, they’re the ones:
- Typing on their sleek laptops
- Sitting in their ergonomic chairs
- Sipping their artisanal lattes with a delicate biscuit.
For me, enjoyment was nowhere to be found:
- In what I was doing
- In how I was doing it
- In where I thought I was heading.
Even time away from work was strained.
With my family, friends, or alone.
None of it was fun.
I was fixated on one thing:
- Survival.
Utterly consumed by it.
The journey was nothing but a fight to keep my head above water.
If you're nodding along, rolling your eyes at every "enjoy the journey" cliché,
believe me, you're not alone.
How can you relish anything while you're battling just to stay afloat?
But, there comes a tipping point.
When you finally feel the ground beneath your feet.
That's when relief starts seeping in.
Slowly, the small wins begin to resonate.
Even your time spent away from the grind.
And perhaps, one day, you'll find yourself in that comfy chair.
With a latte in hand, reflecting on your journey with a little smile.
But until then?
It's tough. Brutally so.