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The Unexpected Key To My Startup's Success

The key to my startup's success boils down to one simple thing I stumbled upon by pure chance.

It has nothing to do with ice baths, morning rituals, or intermittent fasting.

Instead, it's this:

  • Building a relationship with a customer who taught me how to sell to them.

It sounds obvious, but it's not really.

The path to building a successful early-stage startup is long, messy, and devoid of reliable maps.

To navigate it, you need to:

  • Articulate your customer's problem so it hits a nerve.
  • Position your solution as the ultimate painkiller.
  • Ensure your solution stands out in a crowded space.
  • Understand how your customer buys solutions like yours.
  • Pinpoint exactly what triggers your customer to make a purchase.

Sure, you could go at it alone, and your startup could die trying.

Or, you can find a customer who's willing to do it with you.

That way, you can:

  • Cut your journey in half.
  • Double your chances of success.
  • Save money and some sanity along the way.

If you're on the quest for product-market fit, find that One Customer.

Cherish them not just as a client, but as a mentor, consultant, and your biggest ally.

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